Food For Thought: Silent Treatment — FREE FROM CODEPENDENCY

Dr. Nicholas Jenner
4 min readMar 20, 2024

The silent treatment, a form of emotional withholding and passive-aggressive behaviour, has a profound impact on interpersonal dynamics, particularly affecting individuals within the spectrum of codependency. This method of non-communication serves as a means to exert control, manipulate emotions, and inflict psychological distress, often spiralling into a vicious cycle that entrenches codependent traits more deeply.

At its core, the silent treatment functions as a silent scream for attention, ironically employed by some codependents themselves as a strategy to manage and control their relationships. This paradoxical use of silence as a form of communication underlines the complexity of codependency, where the silent treatment becomes both a weapon and a wound. The individuals on the receiving end of such treatment may experience a range of negative emotions, from confusion and self-doubt to profound feelings of isolation and unworthiness. These emotions exacerbate the existing dynamics of codependency, further entangling individuals in a web of emotional dependency and low self-esteem.

The “Self-Leadership for Codependents” podcast series is available using this link. SIGN UP. Listeners are encouraged to subscribe to ensure they don’t miss out on any episodes. Each week offers a new opportunity to engage with the content, reflect on personal experiences, and apply the strategies discussed. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and take the first step towards breaking free from the chains of codependency.

The silent treatment disrupts the foundation of trust and open communication essential for healthy relationships. For codependents, who may already struggle with issues of self-worth and an overwhelming desire for approval, this form of emotional manipulation can be particularly damaging. It reinforces their fears of abandonment and rejection, triggering a desperate need to seek reconciliation at any cost. This desperation often leads to an unhealthy pattern where the codependent individual makes unilateral concessions, ignoring personal boundaries and self-respect in the process. The silent treatment can have long-term psychological effects. Prolonged exposure to such emotional manipulation can lead to anxiety, depression, and a pervasive sense of loneliness. It may also impede the individual’s ability to form and maintain healthy relationships in the future, as the fear of encountering similar emotional trauma becomes a guiding force in their interactions with others.

The silent treatment, when used by codependents, highlights a complex interplay of control, fear, and unmet emotional needs. While it may offer a temporary sense of power or relief from conflict, its long-term effects on personal well-being and relationship health are decidedly negative.

Addressing the silent treatment effectively requires a thoughtful, proactive approach, particularly within the nuanced context of codependency. Here are several strategies to mitigate its impact and foster healthier communication:

Self-Reflection: Begin with self-reflection to understand your feelings and the role the silent treatment plays in your relationship dynamics. Recognise the emotional triggers and the underlying issues that may be contributing to this pattern.

Open Communication: Attempt to initiate open, honest communication with the other person. Express your feelings about the silent treatment without blame, using “I” statements to convey how their behaviour affects you. For example, “I feel hurt and confused when I’m met with silence because it makes me feel isolated.”

Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries regarding communication. Let the other person know that while you respect their need for space, mutual respect and open dialogue are essential for the relationship to thrive. Emphasise the importance of confronting issues directly rather than retreating into silence.

Seek Understanding: Try to understand the reasons behind the silent treatment. Often, it’s a learned behaviour or a defence mechanism. Understanding doesn’t mean condoning the behaviour, but it can help in finding a more constructive solution.

Focus on self-care: It’s crucial to maintain your well-being. Engage in activities that boost your self-esteem and emotional resilience. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can offer a different perspective and emotional support.

Professional Help: In cases where the silent treatment is deeply entrenched or the relationship dynamics are complex, seeking the guidance of a therapist or counsellor can be beneficial. Professional help can provide strategies to improve communication, address underlying issues, and foster healthier relationship patterns.

Educate on the Effects: If possible, share information about the harmful effects of the silent treatment with the other person at a time when both of you are open to discussion. Understanding the emotional and psychological impact might encourage them to adopt healthier communication methods.

Know When to Step Back: Recognise when your efforts to address the silent treatment aren’t leading to positive changes. Sometimes, taking a step back and evaluating the relationship’s health and your own well-being is necessary. It’s important to know when to seek distance, especially if the relationship is detrimental to your mental health.

Addressing the silent treatment, particularly in the context of codependency, requires patience, self-awareness, and a commitment to personal growth and healthy communication. By confronting this behaviour constructively, individuals can work towards breaking the cycle of codependency and building stronger, more open, and more respectful relationships.

Originally published at on March 20, 2024.



Dr. Nicholas Jenner

Dedicated online psychologist with a passion to help individuals and couples get their life back #therapy #psychology #onlinetherapy